Poor Darlings Out on Strike

These strikers piss me off. The union representing college professors has decided it wants its workers to have more money. I say that the union has decided because I highly doubt that every member in said union actually wants to strike. If I were in that union I'd be tomato-red ashamed of it. Imagine, barely 5 days after Kingston's major private sector employer, Bell Canada, closes its doors leaving more than 250 people with NO income, having your union declare that you cannot possibly continue to get by on a mere $50 or $60 bucks an hour.
Sure, sure. The profs involved also claim they want smaller class sizes. That's always good for a little public sympathy. The trouble is we're not talking about 8 year olds who need individual encouragement here, we're talking about grown-ass adults who have forked over their hard-earned money to get an education. They don't need hand-holding, or intimate settings. They need you to show up and give your damned lecture. Besides, the students are the clients here - not the professors. The students will vote with their dollars if class sizes are too large. This whining about class sizes is plain wrong-headed. So much so that it defies the logic that is (hopefully) taught in Intro To Business by some of these very instructors. Correct me if I'm wrong here but it seems like the professors want more money in AND fewer clients.
It's everyone's dream, really, and I'm sure in Advanced Business Skills students are taught how to leverage up their earnings without doing any more actual work.. but the ugly truth is that if profs were to get real with their demands, their picket signs would look like this:
"Raise Tuition NOW!!"
But those wouldn't get a lot of honks from passers-by.
In this city, where the educated (I happen to have a diploma from the very institution whose union members are currently blocking the entrances) can't get jobs worth more than a couple thou a month before taxes if they're lucky, it is offensive in the utmost to have these beggars carry picket signs.
Chant it up, ingrates. I'd GLADLY cross your line to scab for the college and finally make use of the degree I earned after leaving your hallowed halls. (yes, I also have one of those). I'd teach for half what you are asking for. Keep that in mind, picketers. If we could, there are thousands of us out here who'd jump at your job for much less money than you are demanding. And don't try to pretend your intentions are noble.
Smaller class sizes my ass. Bigger paycheques is what you're after. Sleep well at night knowing you're essentially robbing from the poor to feed your greed.
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