Hey, Queen's, Is That a Hockey Stick in Your Pocket.. or...

Queen's University has a problem that they hope the City of Kingston will help them fix. It seems that the university's plans to build its new sports complex involve tearing down aging Jock Harty Arena... a plan which leaves the Hockey teams arena-less in the interim. Queen's is asking City Council to do them a solid by letting them lease the memorial center for their practices.
Veeeerrrrrrryyyy interesting.
I remember back a long, long time ago in I think it was January of this year when the City of Kingston got it's answer from the University Administration on whether or not Queen's was going to reimburse the police department for the extra expenses it incurred on Homecoming Weekend. It was no trivial amount, either. The police claim it cost them $119,000 to police Homecoming, but they weren't trying to recover the whole amount. What they asked for was $84,000 - mostly in light of the near-riot that enveloped two streets in the student ghetto. A car was overturned and lit on fire and police were assaulted. You'd think Queen's, with its massive annual funding and alumni contributions would have ponied up. But no. The answer, which stunned me, was sorta like what I'd expect Donald Rumsfeld to say.
“We have given [the police’s] request serious consideration and have determined that it would not be appropriate for Queen’s to provide compensation for policing related to off-campus street parties--ones which have been neither sanctioned nor encouraged by Queen’s,”Even though the language is Rumsfeldian, the quote actually comes from Vice-Principal Patrick Deane in a letter to Kingston Police Ins. Brian Cookman.
What a champ that Deane fella is, huh? Makes you long to be back in the bosom of an instituion of higher-learning. But I digress...
If I were on city council, now would be the time I'd get back my $84,000. I have no idea what the actual expenses would be but I can bet I'd find a way to jack them up just that much. It's like .. the exact opposite of "You scratch my back I'll scratch yours," and it's only fair. After all, it wouldn't be appropriate for the city to allow university hockey players to play on ice that belongs to the taxpayers -- players that have been neither sanctioned nor, really, encouraged by the city -- without compensating them in some way. In 84,000 ways, to be exact.
Sherri -
In light of the latest incident of students (i.e burning of ones coach on a city streets & the police being over aggressive in their response)
I think these two local "institutions" have a history or even a historical weg of thinking (between them).
One thinks - that one must drink to have "fun" /large parties at the expense of others /non partiers, non drinkers etc.
The others think 17-21 year olds are "adults" - and should respect (all) and think like an adult.
I believe both "ideologies" are rather nieve.
In fact; I would even suggest why do we have homecoming at all?
There is no such thing (or need) in most parts of the world, I know of!
I believe it has more to do with making money and for some old party like "traditions" that the Queens Alumni (expect) to perpetuate.
If anyone is to pay for damage "related or unrelated" to the homecoming - it should be both who are responsible.
If Queens santions the homecoming -I would think it should be better organised, so that the BIG ending "party" is done with more transperancy - maybe at the Memorial Centre?
I think the police/City should offer either offer the Memorial Centre (for the final bash).
The City could rent the facility, charge for policing and frankly anything the "kids" wish to try to do to the premises is mitigated by the old and rugged nature of the centre itself.
Otherwise - stop the homecoming tradition all together. I believe it would solve most of the "bad press, issues" and heal some old scares (sooner than later). Before something really bad happens.
Its the old idea - that one needs to get hit crossing the street before they finally put up a crosswalk!
Im both a Queen's Student and a Kingston Resident. The Aberdeen street partying is not a sanctioned event hosted by Queen's, if Homecoming is cancelled, the party will still occur. Not that I am defending the party, Im just saying that cancelling homecoming will stop it from occurring.
you are sad... i feel so bad for people that actually support what you say, they are so lost!
bob johnson,
you are probably a young buck about to finish off your last beer in a case of 24. I forgive your drunken comment. You know not what you are talking about.
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