Tuesday, June 06, 2006

They're Going to Build it, huh?

Well well well.
What a shocker!
They are goign to go ahead and build that hideous, late-sixties style enormous box on that tiny, nearly gridlocked piece of land.
And they're not going to have to pay the price for this horrible decision, either.
You and I are going to pay for it.
And our kids are, too.

Welp, call me when the road rage starts around the causeway every day at both 7:45 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. Should be a blast! And what a shame that they are moving the cop-shop from across the street to mucho blocks North of there. It would have been easy pickins for the boys and girls in blue. (err.. black now, right?)

I'm so sick of hockey and all related talk of it that I'm giving some thought to staging a hostile takeover of all puck manufacturers just to shut the bastards down. *sigh*
Friggin HOCKEY. Is that all we've GOT?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We wish to make a formal complaint to the proprieter of the Kingston Oh Kingston blog for the lack of further updates.

Thursday, July 13, 2006 2:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Independent Voices newspaper Jamie Swifts article: “in which we follow the money”.
a.k.a Swifts crusade against the LVEC, multiplex and innovative businesses come from a deficient of principled investigative techniques.
Swifts lack of professional reporting begins with his “sources”. Namely his source
The US based “Economist”.
Swift’s claim that Kingston’s LVEC, a publicly owned facility is “the same”, as the 1 billion dollar public/private baseball stadium attributed to the US based Economist report.
Like Swift (Kingston Concerned about the LVEC) allot themselves as “experts” on the LVEC, embellishing the same extraneous and misleading Super sized stadium report as gossip declaring the two projects are “no different”.
KCAL and Swift go further; exploiting the US stadium submission by Queen’s academic when Swift blantantly lies, quoting Professor Mary Lou-Adams has examined LVEC’s across North America and concludes the limited economic spin-off associated with them. But, when directly contacted, Professor Mary Lou-Adams verified to me, she has “no experience with LVEC’s and has never studied them”. The Economist report is neither relevant or comparable with regards to Kingston’s LVEC, she adds particularly in facility funding models, usage or community needs.
Swift would seem to have fabricated research out of the air. Particularly, when it comes to local economic trends. Swift states Kingston’s downtown, tourism and local industries are doing great. “Merchants still do a decent trade” he says.
Instead of hanging out downtown in Lilac alley, maybe he should get out once and awhile and look at the dieing roses of our community, such as Norcom, Bombardier & Bell Canada. Does he not know thousands of good paying jobs, the disposal economic incomes and the critical commercial tax base is gone?
(Not so) Swift does point to call centers, and our service industries as his vision for thousands of marginalized and downsized households here.
Swifts article “research” also seems to skirt the Whig, DBA, KEDCO and small business owner’s indicating his breathe of research material. From his article one can only conclude his imagination and obvious conspiracy interests are the foundation of his research. Likely better suited for comic books such as Spy verses Spy than anything factual.
Swifts typical articles to his cult, characteristically must insult Kingstonians. And again he does not let us down, telling all of us we do not seek a just and productive community.
Of course; this could not be further from the truth. Beyond the 120 million each year invested locally for social assistance programs to help the disabled, marginalized and single parent families. Citizens, community leaders and employees volunteer hundreds of thousands of hours, and money year after year to directly help the vonrabale.
I soon hope Jamie would agree that extraneous sources, antidotal survey’s and arm chair opinions are not very “swift ideas”. It may bend a certain audience’s ear but, his erroneously theories based on a total lack of principled investigative journalism should make us petition such blantent attempt to undermined the integrity of ones sources in a community debate effecting ones citizens.

Monday, July 17, 2006 8:56:00 AM  
Blogger Someone said...

Hey! thanks, anonymous #1. I have no idea how long ago you posted that, but thanks. SEriously.

I'll try to keep up, but lately my time has been consumed with looking for work, nothing else meaningful has crossed my line of sight.

Monday, October 09, 2006 5:22:00 PM  

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